Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Off to School

Yes, Caia has officially started school. One week shy of her 20 month birthday, we enrolled her at the daycare at the Abraham Project (the place in which we work). She is in class with about 7 other kids between the ages of 1 and 2. She attends Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8-11. The first day, we walked in and she started crying, then I handed to her wonderful "teacher" and she screamed "MOMMMMMMMMYYYYYY" louder than I have EVER heard her scream and I turned around and walked out. Yes, it was hard; No, I didn't cry. 

We have made this decision for many reasons. 1. We want Caia to be more immersed in the community with whom we working. 2. We want her to be more immersed in the Spanish language. 3. Kyle, Ali, Thomas and Claire are moving and once they're gone, Caia won't have any friends. She and Claire have really started playing well together in recent months and Caia will be SAD to see Claire go.....though she won't realize it until Claire is not at the park, everyday! 

So, we made a decision that I never thought I would make...my kid goes to daycare. I am a stay-at-home mom and my kid still goes to daycare! But, she needs to be around kids her age and in this culture, "play dates" are pretty much non-existent.  So, off to school she goes! 


  1. It is going to be such a wonderful experience for her and you will be AMAZED at the things she learns. Give the little school girl a kiss from Aunt Laurie and the clan.

  2. Amy - we call it MOTHER'S DAY OUT, not daycare! Just kidding. I think it's a great idea and you both will be happier for it - however she might not want YOU to think so!

  3. I think it's a great idea. She seems to be so social! It's only 3x a week for a couple hours. Very healthy. Especially given your circumstances of not having any little ones around for her to play with. Girl, that babe will know better spanish than you and JG in about a month. They learn languages SO FAST. ha ha.

  4. ah, she will have so much fun, and learn spanish even quicker :) soon she'll be like Bethany and put the family to shame with her skills :) haha.

  5. perfect! she'll lOVE it.
    i agree with the youngbloods-- it's NOT daycare, its' mothers morning out!
